Privacy Policy


CryptoGymXXL respects the privacy of all users of its website and ensures that the personal information you give us is treated confidentially. We use your data to ensure that the orders proceed as smoothly and quickly as possible. Apart from that, we will also only use this data with your permission. CryptoGymXXL will not sell your personal details on to third parties and will only provide this to those who are involved in the execution of your order.


CryptoGymXXL uses the data gathered to provide its customers with the following services: if you place an order, we need your name, e-mail address and delivery address to carry out your order.
With your consent we will use your data to inform you on the developments of the website and special offers and actions. If you no longer wish this, please let us know by sending an e-mail.
To make shopping at CryptoGymXXL as pleasant as possible, we will file your personal details and details related to your order and the use of our services, with your consent. Because of this we can personalize the website and recommend articles you may find interesting. In your CryptoGymXXL account we file information such as your name and address, telephone number, e-mail address and delivery data, so you do not have to complete these details for every new order.
Information about the use of our website and the feedback we get from our visitors help us to further develop and improve our website.

CryptoGymXXL does not sell your data. CryptoGymXXL will not sell your personal details to third parties and will only make this available to those who are involved in the execution of your order. Our employees and third parties we have involved are obliged to respect the confidentiality of your data. Your personal details are safe with CryptoGymXXL. We appreciate your trust in us which is why we will treat your details with utmost care. Your information will always be protected and treated confidentially.


TheCryptoGymXXL webshop uses different types of cookies. For example, we use functional cookies to ensure the webshop functions properly and analytical cookies to offer you an optimal user experience in our webshop. We also place tracking cookies to tailor the content of advertisements to your preferences. View our cookie policy here. By clicking on the agree button you accept our cookie policy.

What is a cookie?

A cookie is a small file that stores your preferences for our website on your computer, tablet or smartphone. On your next visit, the website can retrieve that information and use it for a better experience on the website.

What do you need cookies for?

We use cookies for different purposes. For example, we use functional cookies which are necessary for the website to function properly. Next, we use analytical cookies to gain insight into the traffic on our website which allows us to make the website more user-friendly. We also use social media cookies that are used when you want to log in via Facebook or share a product on your social media page. Finally, we use tracking cookies to gauge your interests and to show a personal offer that is most relevant to you.

Do cookies know who I am?

No, cookies do not register personal details such as your name, address, age or other personal information. Cookies only remember your preferences and interests based on your surfing behaviour.


1. Functional cookies

If you visit our website again, functional cookies enable us to retrieve information from previous visits. This is used in practice to remember that you are logged in, in which language you want to visit the website and which country you prefer for delivery.

Functional cookies are also necessary for our webshop to function properly. For example, they remember what is in your shopping cart during the ordering process.

Google Tag Manager

We use Google Tag Manager to put cookies on and to manage the website. The Google Tag Manager tool is not a cookie and also does not register personal information. The Google Tag Manager Tool is only used to ensure the proper operation of the cookies we use.

More information:


Cloudflare acts as a type of filter between the visitor of the website and the server on which the website operates. If Cloudflare detects a visit indicating mala fide patterns, it is blocked, so you the visitor and we the web shop do not run any risks. By using Cloudflare the website becomes safer and faster. Cloudflare only uses personal data for its own ends and will never show, sell or share this in any other way.

More information:

2. Analytical cookies

Analytical cookies collect anonymous information about how our website is visited and how website functions are used. With such information, statistics on the use of the website can be collected by Google Analytics and we can then analyse and improve the operation of the website.

Analytical cookies contain a unique number and do not contain any personal data. These cookies are therefore not used to recognize you personally. The anonymous data obtained are only used to improve the website.
Google Analytics

Purpose: With Google Analytics, anonymous, static data about the use of the website are collected with the aim of optimizing the website for a better user experience.

What is being shared? Google shares anonymous data with third parties.

3. Cookies for Social Media

Cookies for social media make it possible to log in via social media and to share products on your social media page. This link cannot work without cookies. Cookies for social media also keep track of which products you view on our website and then show a personal offer in your news feed tailored to your preferences.


Purpose: the purpose of cookies for social media is being able to log in with a social media account. In addition, these cookies ensure the proper functioning of the ‘share on social media’ buttons. Finally, these cookies keep track of which products you view on our website and then show a personal offer in your news feed. Without these cookies you miss out on personal offers.


Purpose: These cookies keep track of which pages you view. This allows us to show relevant advertisements and offers on Instagram. Without these cookies you miss out on personal offers.

What is being shared? Instagram shares anonymous data with third parties.

4. Tracking cookies (for personal preferences and advertisements)

CryptoGymXXL uses cookies to give you a better user experience that is tailored to your personal preferences. With the help of tracking cookies, it is possible for CryptoGymXXL to show relevant advertisements without you having to submit additional information or to constantly see the same information. We also use these cookies in order not to bother you with advertisements that are not relevant to you or to not bother you with advertisements of products that you have recently purchased.

5. Google Tag Manager

Google Tag Manager is a solution that allows marketed website tags to be managed using an interface. The Tag Manager tool itself (which implements the tags) is a cookie-less domain and does not register personal data. The tool causes other tags to be activated which may, for their part, register data under certain circumstances. Google Tag Manager does not access this information. If recording has been deactivated on domain or cookie level, this setting will remain in place for all tracking tags implemented with Google Tag Manager.


If you prefer not to receive cookies, you can adjust your preferences in your browser at any time. Open your browser settings and view your cookie preferences in your privacy or security settings. After deleting your cookies, your preferences for our webshop will be lost. You may still see CryptoGymXXL ads after the deleting the cookies, as not all ads used by CryptoGymXXL are related to cookies. Changes to your cookie settings only apply to the device and the browser that is used. Do you use multiple devices or browsers? Then repeat the operation(s) on each device and in each browser to delete cookies.

Reporting obligation data leaks

With effect from 1 January 2016, a reporting obligation for data leaks applies through an amendment to the Personal Data Protection Act. A data leak is a breach of the security of personal data. CryptoGymXXL uses different techniques to protect personal data and no data leaks have occurred in the past. Should a data leak occur in the future, CryptoGymXXL will report this to the supervisor within 72 hours of discovery to discuss a plan of approach.


Under the General Data Protection Regulation, the right to be forgotten means that, if a consumer requests it, CryptoGymXXL must delete his personal data in a limited number of cases. When a consumer wants to use the right to data exchange from the GDPR, the webshop is obliged to comply with this if:

  • the personal data of the consumer are no longer necessary for the purpose for which they were collected or processed;
  • the consumer withdraws consent to the processing of his data and there is no other legal basis for the processing;
  • the consumer objects to the processing and there is no other legal basis for processing the data;
  • the personal data have been processed unlawfully;
  • the deletion of the data is necessary to comply with legal obligations within the European Union or the Member State.

After the consumer has submitted a request for deletion, we will assess and process it within four weeks. If you want to appeal to this right, please send an e-mail to and indicate which data you want us to delete.

CryptoGymXXLhas a justified interest in retaining some data that we are required to by law. This concerns invoice data that are embedded in the accounting.

Questions and / or complaints

If you have questions or complaints about our privacy and cookie policy, please send an e-mail to